All utilities included! This 4 bedroom home has an additional room which can be the 5th bedroom and offers plenty of living space! New paint and new flooring and carpet, new showers on the second floor and updated cabinets! The living room opens up to the island kitchen with all appliances. A second family room is on the second floor with the primary bedroom located on the first floor secluded away from the secondary bedrooms! A modern washer and dryer are included! LOW DEPOSIT PLAN available. Self showings. NO PETS. *Housing vouchers are not accepted on this property. Se Habla Español!
Rent: | $2,450 |
Move in date: | December 2024 |
Address: | 15859 E Park Ct |
Square Feet: | 2140 |
Furniture: | Unfurnished |
Bedrooms: | 5 |
Baths: | 2.5 |
Pets: | No Pets |
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